Monday, March 9, 2009

Anand's reign will end soon:Kasparov

Interview with Garry Kasparov

Kasparov states Anand's reign is going to end soon

kasparov president klaus

“Vishy is a brilliant player. But it is very difficult to compete at 40. He is up against people half his age. I will be surprised if he can go on any longer. He can fight against anyone but time,” Kasparov said for India Today Conclave. “About 50 years ago, the average age of a chess player was about 35 years. Nowadays, 14- year- olds are becoming Grandmasters. This is due to computers and sophisticated softwares,” Kasparov continues. "Nowadays, a 13- year- old would probably know more than Bobby Fischer knew when he retired. They analyse all the moves and prepare themselves on their computers. But that doesn’t mean they are special. Physics students nowadays know more than Einstein and Newton did. That doesn’t make them smarter, does it?” concluded Kasparov. Asked what is the thing that differentiates him, Anatoly Karpov or Anand from today's players, the ex world champion said, "We had a feel for the game. Whenever I saw a position, I relied on the power of evaluation and understanding as to what would be a good move. But the motto of today’s player is — show me the move. I can’t explain it to them but sometimes, it’s just your sense which says what is a good or a bad move."

The visit of Kasparov to India was purely political one and he did not have any chess events scheduled. Among others at the symposium, organised by a Delhi-based media house, were former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf and Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan. You can read the full story by Digital Today here.


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